Mastering the Hunt: The Different Methods of Hog Hunting in Texas

Mastering the Hunt: The Different Methods of Hog Hunting in Texas

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Wild hogs have become an enormous nuisance in Texas, ravaging farmland, ecosystems, and private property. With a rapidly increasing population, hunting is one of the best ways to try to keep their population down. If you wonder where to hunt hogs in Texas, you have plenty of places to hunt, whether an amateur or a seasoned professional. From daytime stalking to night hunting with state-of-the-art technology and everything in between, Texas hog hunting has different methods, each with challenges to test and thrill you in its own way. 

Best ways to hunt feral hogs in the Lone Star State

       Spot-and-stalk Hunting

Spot and stalk is a method popularized by hunters for boar hunting in Texas. It refers to spotting game in open fields or hidden woods and creeping up close enough for a shot. This method is for the patient, an expert hunter who knows the habits of the hog and is hoping for that shot. It is mainly intended for thrill-seeking hunters tracking their quarry and hoping for the challenge of a clean shot.

       Daytime Hog Hunting

Most hunters prefer daytime hog hunting, which offers visibility and easy tracking. During the early morning and late afternoon, hags often travel to food and water sources, which are the best times for hunting. Using proper camouflage and awareness of wind direction, hunters can see hogs from afar while setting a good shooting position. This hunting style is ideal for anyone who wants to undergo real, traditional hunting without needing night vision equipment.

       Night Hog Hunting

Because hogs prefer to stay active during the night, going hog hunting in Texas is one of the best ways to pursue them. The hunters are equipped with thermal scopes, night vision, or spotlights to watch and shoot the hogs in the darkness. A good many outfitters conduct guided night hunts, offering all the equipment necessary for a successful hunt; this method is for the more adventurous hunter after a good time.

       Baiting and Stand Hunting

Baiting is for hunters seeking something more relaxed. For example, the hogs can be lured to a certain area that is within clear shooting range by feeding corn or other food sources. While these hunters wait in a tree stand or a ground blind, they take a well-placed shot as soon as the hogs arrive. This method works well in areas where hog activity patterns are consistent.

     A Dog for Hunting

The most ancient form of hunting wild hogs is what is known as dog hunting. The dog would track and then corner the hog, allowing the hunter to get very close to make the kill. This practice has given rise to very good hunters, dog handlers, and bounties and is very exciting, but the training of the hunting dog is needed. It would be very practical when in the densest brush since that's where hogs are most difficult to spot.


Texas is rich in techniques for hog hunting, from night hog hunting in Texas journeys to hog hunting during the day and anything in between. You can choose between a quiet stand-up hunt or an adventure involving a dog pack-herding vivacious wild boar to hunt. If you are searching for hog hunting trips guided by experts, the Texas Hunt Ranch Hog Hunting would be the way to go for a thrilling yet successful hunt
