$1899 Ram and Hog Combo

$1899 Ram and Hog Combo

Regular price $ 1,899.00 Sale

Are you Looking for a harvesting opportunity for a trophy ram up to complete curl? Grab this opportunity at $1799, along with harvesting one hog up to 150 lbs. As a hunter, you can shoot a single ram and hog...

Are you Looking for a harvesting opportunity for a trophy ram up to complete curl? Grab this opportunity at $1799, along with harvesting one hog up to 150 lbs. As a hunter, you can shoot a single ram and hog up to 150 lbs. This package allows for 3-days and 2-nights hunting opportunities. Other facilities included are butchering for ram and hog, guiding services for ram hunting, Taxidermy shoulder mount on the ram, day and night hunting, meals, and lodging.